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3:51 pm - May 17, 2002
Boring day. As always.
I havent updated in a couple of days. Not much to say really. School started, I hope I'll enjoy it as much as I was thinking I would. I'm about ready to start working for my friend, but he hasnt emailed me back. So waiting on that. Since I'm waiting on him to see what he says I havent called Wal Mart to see if they still wanted an interview with me.

Lets see. Its Friday night. My big plans? Going to my parents house and getting some more of my shit. If I"m lucky I can get some dinner while I"m there. Ooh. I do have kind of big plans though :) My brother is gonna be gone tonight over night. So he wont be home. At all. So I am going to get hiiiiigh. :) If I can find my pot that is. Heh.

Bah. Thats all. I'm gonna go find something to keep me entertained.

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